Tuesday 8 July 2008


Today is the 6th day I'm down with this viral fever. Its really sickening (pun or no pun its really bad). I mean, I'll start getting heaty in the afternoon. By night time - full fledged fever. This is when I don't know what time it is, try to sleep but wake up every few minutes (or hour/s - I don't know the time right). Yesterday at 9 am I ate 3 spoon of nasi goreng (which to my taste bud was the worst in the world) .. and that's it - until 9 am today. Even the taste of water sucks.

Now, everytime I get this kind of fever, my brain always finds a way to torture itself. It is always preoccupied with objects, shapes. This time round the task it ask itself to do is:
To move a rock the size of Greater London to another location. Now, in between sipping water, waking up, Ann putting wet towels on me, and thinking its time to wake up to go to work when it's 10 pm - the mind really got confused, and I swear to god I really thought this was something I must do. How the hell was I suppose to do it? If I move it a few million people will have to evacuate to make space for this rock. And I'll probably need a crane the size of England to lift that rock. May be I can call the chairman of Caterpillar and ask him to make one for me. After 2 sleepless nights it dawned upon me: What's the point?

I suppose when a brain is confused you can tell it to believe, do or say anything you want.

Sounds familiar?


Anonymous said...

Get well soon bro!

Anonymous said...

Hey you take care ya and get well soon.... salam to all and especially those little ones :-)

Dentist and Me said...

Awwww Kenit ni kat Amsterdam ghupenye. Maka wa tau la siapa gerangannya. Hai Kenit, eiii Kenitnya

Bro, get well soon. Wa nak cadangkan satu benda, tapi wa takut lu tak caya punnya.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr Dentist, wa gi laypark kat u punya blog, tapi tak leh leave msg lah :-( Lu baik baik okay nie KENIT bukan sebarang KENIT tau hahahaha

Dentist and Me said...

Alamak ai Kenit, nape lu sorang saja tak boleh leave message kat blog wa? Wa dah deaktifkan body guard wa

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr Dentist.... pulak :-)that's because I KENIT lah tuuuuuuuuuuu :))Banyak songel lah lu nie!

Anonymous said...

Yeayyyy ... gaduh..gaduh..gaduh.. siKenit vs si ... (apa ek?)

Hope Tuan Rumah is recuperating well.

Maya Nizwa said...

Dah baik ke Encik Dave??

Dicken said...

Thank you all well wishers.
Mr Dentist - lu cadangkan apa pun gua buat, desperate gila ni.
Cik mary j - belum baik2 lagi adanya.

Dentist and Me said...

minum air Al Fatihah Mak

Anonymous said...

Alhamdulillah,, air ALFATIHAH MAK tuu IBU of ALL IBU punya air, mesti kaw punya....... cepat sembuh ya!