Tuesday 29 July 2008

Live With It

Met Dr Nordstrom today .. and she just saw in my file that I was admitted at St Peter's itu hari. Explained about my fever & the instruction by Dr Murray to stop taking the antibiotics. She told me - she cannot administer the same thing, so I just have to live with it. Looked at the statistics on my liver, siap tanya, "Do you take alcohol?" Either it was sky high or I got the kaki botol look. Same with the blood samples - high jugerk. Giller nar Rifinah nih.

So I just have to be careful not to let my immune system down. Kalau tak, possible virus menyerang. Hmmm .. Live and let die lah kot?


Anonymous said...

Live and let die? No, tu Paul McCartney yg kata, but u have to live and let live, OK?

BTW, why not try herba for the liver? Kat Msia dah femes dgn 1 brand tu but sori I xingat namanya pulak.

Dicken said...

Herba for liver. Rhyme tu .. OK kot.