Thursday 11 September 2008

Popia Basah Day

Wanted to make popia basah & black pepper beef for iftar today, so needed to find a few things like: tauge, carrot, flour, shiitake mushroom, leek .. mmm, that's about it. So headed for Sainsbury's - coz parking is free.

But, its Ramadan .. so in the end, its the tummy who does all the shopping. A trolleyful at last.

So, got home & started on the popia. Now I know why the popia basah mamak infront of the small Giant Kelana Jaya is so good. The kulit is hand made! My hands & the pan were so messy just now.

Work in Progress


Finished product for "export" (to Sam & Linda and Zamri & Maswa)

And finally - the black pepper beef, masin sket - so repair just before b'buka. Cantik kuali kan?


Anonymous said...

1. Ehh..ehh..ehh, caner nih? Where's my share of the WET POP? Telan AL jerlah eh? 2. U follow 24? New season ke? Kief Sutherland as main hero eh? Miss him 3. Kuali tu? haha, cantik but who cares how it looks like as long as the end-result is superb. I have 1 black kuali, has been with me the past 28 yrs ..

Dicken said...

Alah Kak Som, pegi je beli kat pasar Ramadan tu. Kitorang ni terpaksa. Kalau kat Mesia sekarang ni, pukul 6 mesti berkampung kat P.Rmdn Subang Jaya punya.

24 .. Jack Bauer (yes, Kiefer Sutherland). Baru habis Season 2. Ada lagi Season 3 to 6 nak tengok (that's 96 episodes!!)