Wednesday 3 September 2008

Indonesian Passport Extension

Part of my 1st day of Ramadan was spent at the Indonesian Consular, getting Kak Yah's passport expiry extended.

The location is at Adam's Row, W1K near Grosvenor Square (where the Indonesian Embassy is: 38 Grosvenor Square, London W1K 2HW, Tel: 020 7499 7661).
It looks kinda like a back lane! However I must say I was pleased to see that there's no queue! Not like the Indonesian Embassy in KL. The office is smallish with a just a few row of seats (3 rows x 6 kot), nothing like the Malaysian Immigration/Consular office. Machine ambik nombor pun kong!

This office is for those who decide to visit instead of mail their application for:
Renewal of passport/New passport.
Extension of passport expiry.
Visa to Indonesia.
Registration of new births.

Official times are:
10.30 - 13.30 Submission
14.30 - 16.00 Collection

Anyway, the officer was sempoy .. semua boleh. Among others:
Q: Bisa buat bayaran bila buat collection Pak?
A: Boleh

Q: Boleh fax kan saja bank statement?
A: Boleh

Q: Can my father fax his bank statement?
A: Can

Yang tak boleh: Pay by Cash. From 24 July 2007, the policy is to only accept payment either by postal order or bank draft.

So how to extend passport?
1. Fill in form (formulir) for extension, get it here (Form_Perpanjangan_Paspor)

2. If you are an Indonesian but yet to register your existence with the Embassy, you are required to fill in this form (include 1 passport photo),get it here (Form_Registrasi)

3. Write your details in the "black book" (register)

Wallah! That's it. Then you wait if there's not many people. Kak Yah's passport took about half hour from the point of submission. Best if you pre-fill all those forms. And extension is free!

Then we went back for iftar - mee kari!!! Yiihaaa!
Tapi nak tunggu 7.48 pm tu .. hmmm .. tengok movie la, Simpson la, exercise la.
Nasib baik la makin lama makin cepat Maghrib bulan pose nie.


Anonymous said...

OK gak kalau KakYah diganti dgn KakSom (sbb KakSom reti masak mi kari..d'bomb i tellya)

Anonymous said...

bro, kalau taknak terasa tunggu lama waktu b'buka kan.. pi la tolong2 kat dapoq nuhhh... sure tak terasa.. hihi!

Dicken said...

Kak Som, isikan formulirnya aja, bisa di konsider.

Cibil, 2 - 3 hari ni memang rajin masuk dapor. Best juga rupanya ye? He he hee.

Anonymous said...

Dicken, JUST LIKE THAT? Waaah, ni sudah best?!

Dicken said...

Yup, just like that. But Cik Som, I feel your chances are getting slimmer by the day. I dah rajin nih .. hari2 masuk dapur. Hari ni buat popia basah kot .. Pergh!

Anonymous said...

I think so too.. How am I to leave my anjer just like that for greener pasture, kan? Cian dia. Anyway, do tampal gambo popia tu ya?