Monday 27 October 2008

In Others' Shoes

Today's the first time I go to work in a car. Dell drove (I couldn't), coz Anne & the gang ada Rombongan Cik Kiah to Queen Anne & Stoke. Left around 0615 & reached office close to 0700. Took Earl's Court/Embankment route, missed turning near Queen Victoria St & had to take a slightly longer route. Actually, we took the car coz we had to bring the extra office carpet from previous renovation which is now parked in my garage.

Duh, forgot that I had an appointment with Dr Galton at 0900. Brilliant! Had to take the train back to Egham. The best doctor at Grove Medical Centre so far.

Anyway, got back to the office. Suffered some anxiety. Am starting to get immuned with the non-stop markets fall. Left around 1715. It's already dark by then.

Heck! Now I can emphatise with drivers in London. Most times I am a pedestrian. Today, we saw/avoided:
1. Pedestrian selamba kodok crossed roads while talking on the phone.
2. Pedestrians testing their luck crossing roads at non-designated crossings/middle of the road.
3. So many cyclists hogging the left lane of the streets.
4. Cyclists with dark clothing & no light on their bikes.
5. Small streets, sharing with psyco cabs & bus drivers.
6. Dark streets - dah la tengah twilight.
7. Bus lanes, although it was already dark - all the CCTV still berkuat kuasa. Thanks to the new time.
8. Idiotic drivers who flashed light at traffic light as if we were so slow moving, although the light just turned green 0.01 second ago.
9. Jam at M25 Junction 14, nasib baik ada ramp T5 - boleh cut queue via that ramp.
10. Stingy drivers - kemut tak kasi masuk lane. Nak kena lepuk tuh..

Next time, no peak hour driving for me. I believe Dell had the same feeling.


Dentist and Me said...

owh kire, birmingham lagi bagus lah

Maya Nizwa said...

I am guilty for the offences numbers (1) and (2) while hubby dulu no (3) skang dah naik bas. But of course bekas olahragawati sekolah tahun 199X boleh berjaya melintas secepat mungkin tanpa menghalang lalu lintas dengan berlari sambil cakap telefon. Terer tak?

Dicken said...

Terrer .. terrer .. kena berguru dgn you nampaknya. Coz I sometimes cross jalan sambil baca email!