Sunday, 31 August 2008


2:183. Hai orang-orang yang beriman, diwajibkan atas kamu berpuasa sebagaimana diwajibkan atas orang-orang sebelum kamu agar kamu bertakwa.

The London Central Mosque has announced that, the first month of Ramadhan is confirmed to be on the 1st September 2008.

Selamat menyambut Ramadhan Mubarak kepada semua.

Seperti kebiasaan, setiap tahun akan ada saja isu mula puasa tidak sama hari. Ini kerana ada negara guna falak, ada negara lihat anak bulan. Alangkan satu negara pun tidak sama jika berlainan area. Macam di UK, Egham where my home is, and Croydon (Khalil & Jai's homes) - puasa dan raya selang sehari last 2 years.

I am amazed that this phenomenon keeps popping up year in year out. Not unlike the terawih 8 rakaat vs 20 rakaat debate. Oh ya, by the way, terawih tu sembahyang sunat, meaning - tak buat pun tak dapat dosa. I suppose new technologies can pinpoint the day anak bulan will emerge, if not the second. So, on that score - actually its a non-issue if you use technology.

BTW, we have been so hard up on this precision of when to start and end Ramadhan all our life. However, looking at Al-Baqarah 2:183 (translation above) - it clearly says puasa is wajib "sebagaimana diwajibkan atas orang-orang sebelum kamu ". This means before me and you, there were people which fasting is ordained e.g. our parents, grandparents, forefathers .. etc. going back to Rasulullah. And since this ayat was first delivered to Rasulullah, it means before him, there were people ordained to fast too. Perhaps Nabi: Isa, Musa, Ibrahim, Noh .. all the way to Adam.

1. All of believers (orang2 yg beriman) must puasa/siam (as in "kutiba alai kumussiam")
2. Puasa is in the month/period of Ramadhan (2:185)

The Islamic Calendar, which is based purely on lunar cycles, was first introduced in 638 by the close companion of Rasulullah cum the second Caliph, Umar ibn Al-Khattab (592-644). He did it in an attempt to rationalize the various, at times conflicting, dating systems used during his time. Umar consulted with his advisors on the starting date of the new Muslim chronology. It was finally agreed that the most appropriate reference point for the Islamic calendar was the Hijrah. The actual starting date for the Calendar was chosen (on the basis of purely lunar years, counting backwards) to be the first day of the first month (1 Muharram) of the year of the Hijrah.

3. Rasulullah - Nabi Muhammad (lifetime - circa: 570 Mekah – June 8, 632 Madinah)
4. Hijrah calendar created after his death by Saidina Umar Al-Khattab.

Therefore, how do "orang-orang sebelum kamu (Muhammad)" fast in Ramadhan, when Ramadhan was established - say, for Nabi Isa, about 638 years after his birth?

Interesting question innit?

So lets all not get too uptight about the timing of the month & events.

Ramadhan is time to:
1. Refresh our faith
2. Reflect on how Rasululah & his companions "puasa dunia" to achieve what we are enjoying today.
3. Reflect and find ways to improve the lives of the unfortunate ones among us.

Salam Ramadhan.

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Isle of Wight

Went to Isle of Wight for 3D 2N Wednesday to Friday.
Excellent! Beautiful island!
Some pics.
This is the Ferry (St Catherine) we took from Portsmouth to IoW. Damage: about £71 (depending of headcount). Once parked, everybody must go up to the lounge or wherever as long as not in the car. View on a good day is superb.

This is the Needles - the name 'Needles' is believed to have been derived from a slender tapering rock pinnacle which was formerly situated a little to the north (i.e. on the Alum Bay side) of the present central rock. This needle-shaped rock, about 120ft high and known as 'Lot's Wife' collapsed into the sea in 1764 with a crash which was said to have been heard many miles away! The stump of this pinnacle can still be seen at low water where it forms a dangerous reef.

URTV Moment

Alum Bay is rocky and the sands are of many colours. Going down to the beach - you can either walk down or take the chair lift. We chose to walk down .. jimat sket beb! Beach is not sandy however, but made of pebbles! Close your eyes & listen to the pebbles knocking each other with the ebb & flow of the sea. I like.

Needles Park - kind of a mini park. Check out the sand store .. fill in souvenir glasses with colourful sands of Alum Bay. See how glasses are made. Play mini golf. Layaaannn!

Sandown: Dino Isle - IOW is one of the world's great dinasour localities. Probably the 4th richest dinasour localities in the world. I think about 15 species were found on this island. This Dino Isle is rather small but full of info on dinasour.

Sandown Beach - quite a nice beach. But nothing compared to Tioman lah. This portion of the beach is just infront of Dino Isle, ada jetty.

Ventnor - ramai gak orang but beach is full of sea weed plus its sand is reddish. Sandown sand better.

I count at least 12 layers of building structure starting from the street level. Reminds me of Switzerland.

Shanklin - a lot of old houses like this in Shanklin. Dell told me the beach here is better than Sandown. Tak sempat nak pegi beach.

Ryde - singgah before leaving for Portsmouth (from Fishbourne Ferry jetty). Had lunch at Alexanders .. pekena Fish & Chips last kopek.

Friday, 22 August 2008

Paling Kodi

Been away a few days. Checking out the Isle of Wight - Cool!

Something to ponder on a Friday (courtesy from Amali)


95:4 Sesungguhnya Kami telah menciptakan manusia dalam bentuk yang sebaik-baiknya.
95:5 Kemudian Kami kembalikan dia ke tempat yang serendah-rendahnya.
95:6 kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan mengerjakan amal saleh; maka bagi mereka pahala yang tiada putus-putusnya.

Wednesday, 20 August 2008


Found this while surfing .. ye lah, agaknya Kampong Jubai tak de internet. Kalau tak, boleh cuba online match making sites.
Any takers?

Friday, 15 August 2008

Wish List - Masjid

(pic cilok from cibil - boleh kan...?)

A friend asked me one time, for some possible things to do at his area's newly formed masjid (in Bangi) so that it attracts youngsters to frequent the joint.

To me, we should bring it back to what it was before. Masjid is pusat ibadah (which includes administering/governing) - isn't god kingdom heaven & earth, and we are the governors (for the earth portion at least). Where best to govern if not from masjid. So I proposed some ideas to him, among others:

1. Learnings, kuliah subuh not just on Islamic studies/feqah/tauhid stuff, but also on economics, how to participate in stock markets. How to read annual reports and those accounting stuff.

2. Saturdays - entrepreneurship seminars - minimal fee/perhaps sponsored by tabung masjid/lecturer takes minimal token (duit minyak - aloo minyak mahal woo!)

3. Games in compounds of masjid - Hmmm, what kind? How about takraw, volleyball, badminton, tennis (if compound big enough), basket ball. Only after Asar, and 20 minutes before azan maghrib stop game - kalau tak, sunat kan lagi sekali sekor2.

4. Cafe, wifi - ok, pushing it.

5. Library - full ok, not just buku agama. Macamana nak jadi ahlil kitab, kalau tak baca kitab.

6. Site for Kids Camp (call it Khemah Pimpinan Ibadat if u want to), where kids get thought about life, some history of the world - esp. the part how the Muslims got to such a low level today, leadership, purpose of life, unity

and all this, non-muslims can join too. We want to bring unity, not dis-unity remember? Ya ayyuhannas remember? Islam is for everyone, not our copyright.

But at the end of the day if I remember correctly, that masjid turned out like the ones we already have. Sigh! .. so much for asking for ideas...

On another note, a write up by a guy named Hamizul on Masjid & kids here and a good article by SS Dr Asri here

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Running Right

Its summer and its olympic time (Everybody's secretly admiring those athletes' bodies huh? And wishing to somehow get those bodies within one miraculous week) So, must do something kan? Perfect timing for running, even at 2000 just before CSI starts. We get loads of advice on diets but on running? Quite rare I must say. So, ciloked from a mag, these are the things I should remember when I run.

What you do Run with your eyes firmly focused on your feet. After all, you don’t know what’s down there.
What you should do Your head weighs 3-4½ kg, and looking down brings the weight of your head forwards, throwing the spine out of alignment. Your eyes should look at the ground between 10 and 30m in front of you, even when that pretty lass speeds past.

What you do Like a coil, wound up tight and ready to spring, you run with your shoulders hunched up somewhere around your ears.
What you should do Let those shoulders hang loose. Hunched shoulders waste energy and restrict your movement. A slight rotation of the shoulder girdle is normal and counterbalances the rotation of the hips.

What you do Forget about your arms while you run. They could be doing the hand jive for all you know.
What you should do Imagine your arms are pistons propelling you forwards, with elbows bent close to 90 degrees. Move them in a forwards-backwards direction. Use more arm power when running hard, and less when jogging.

What you do As you tire (about five minutes in for us), you can’t resist the urge to lean forwards, sinking towards the ground.
What you should do Keep your chest open. Think upwards and forwards, as if you had a string tied to your breastbone, drawing you forwards. But don’t bend from the waist.HIPS What you do Drag your feet along while you run, so your legs don’t lift up very high and don’t bend behind you much either. Your quads (thighs) and hip fl exors are doing the work instead of your hamstrings and gluteals. What you should do Visualise rolling your hips underneath you, so your bum isn’t sticking out. Running with your hips forward will improve your knee drive.

What you do ‘Sit in the bucket’. Meaning you run with your bum pushed out and an excessive arch in the lumbar spine. If you get hooted at by white-van drivers, this could be you.
What you should do Picture your pelvis as a bucket full of water – tip it and you’ll spill its contents, so keep it as level as possible. This requires strength and fl exibility in your core area and lower back.

What you do Drag your feet along while you run, so your legs don’t lift up very high and don’t bend behind you much either. Your quads (thighs) and hip fl exors are doing the work instead of your hamstrings and gluteals.
What you should do Visualise rolling your hips underneath you, so your bum isn’t sticking out. Running with your hips forward will improve your knee drive.

What you do To look like you’re working really hard, you bound along, all height and no pace.
What you should do Lifting your knees results in a wasteful bouncing motion that stresses the joints. The knee-lift is about driving the leg forwards, not up. Taking quick, light steps will help you do this.

What you do Your feet slap loudly on the pavement, but you simply drown it out with a bit of Bon Jovi.
What you should do If your feet land heavily you may be overstriding. At touchdown your foot should be under your centre of gravity, not in front of the knee. Avoid clenching your toes and deliberately springing off your toes too.

(By Sam Murphy and Sarah Connors)

Manalah tau kan, buat selalu2 badan boleh jadi cam ni. Mimpi la woy .. hi hiii..

Friday, 8 August 2008

Friday 08.08.08 China Olympic

Let the Games Beijing

It's Friday. I love Fridays.
Today, while monitoring the yo-yo market, we watched the most elaborate, most spectacular opening ceremony for an olympic games ever. The Chinese are determined to show the world that they are a new Superpower to be reckoned with. Simply superb show!

We even rushed back from our Friday prayer, apart from a quick take out visit to the Chicken Cottage at Old St. to be back at the office to continue watching the flamboyant show.

Friday. I was told once by somebody that we, the Muslims created Friday as our "holy" day to compete with the Jews whose holy day is Saturday, and the Christians, Sunday.

Basically, this Friday business came from the 62nd surah of the Al Quran (AQ), Al Jumu'ah which means Friday. The Friday prayer came from Ayat 9 of the same Surah as follows:

[62:9] O ye who believe! When the call is heard for the prayer of the day of congregation, haste unto remembrance of Allah and leave your trading. That is better for you if ye did but know. (Marmaduke Pickthall)

(Hai orang-orang beriman, apabila diseru untuk menunaikan shalat Jum'at, maka bersegeralah kamu kepada mengingat Allah dan tinggalkanlah jual beli. Yang demikian itu lebih baik bagimu jika kamu mengetahui. - Uthmani Version -)

This is true if "solawati min yawmil jumuati" means "the call is heard for the prayer on Friday". Note that Marmaduke Pickthall translated Jumuati as "the day of congregation".

Some critics says that the meaning of the word YAWM in the Quran can vary from one context to another but the main meaning or the essence of this word is in something that deals with time. It can mean when, then, during, day, period of time, time and etc. i.e. not necessarily "day". (YAWM is mentioned > 400 times in AQ)

Also, they say it is rather queer for Arabs to use Al Jumu'ah or Jumuati to refer to the day Friday. Since it is common for them to use numbers to indicate days i.e. day 1 means Sunday (wahid), day 2 - Monday (ithnani), and hence Friday is very commonly termed as Day 6, not Jumu'ah. Just like Bruneians (if I'm not mistaken) who refers to days as Hari Satu, Hari Dua ...

So, should "min yawmil jumuati" be taken as "in/during a time of congregation" as opposed to “on the day of congregation", the translation becomes:

“O you who believe, when the call is made for salat, in/during the time of congregation, haste unto remembrance of Allah and leave your trading. That is better for you if ye did but know.

Hence, if the time of congregation refer to events like marriage, conferences, businesses, fairs etc, where does Friday prayer comes?

Anyway, that's what I read & study, purely from AQ of course. But to me the congregation on Fridays is such a superb way of conveying messages (needs to be contemporary of course) to the Muslim masses - either localised message or a uniformed message throughout the nation or even the world. It's like a mass e-mail message sent to all Muslim contacts.

That said, I like Fridays. And today, the Chinese just made my Friday.

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Briani Diana, Special Branch & Generosity

When in KL, once in a while I'll get this phone call, either from my insurance broker buddy - Joel or my politician-in-the-making buddy, Doc Fitter. Reason being: ajak makan kat Diana Nasi Beriani

Its a stall located at the Taman Melawati business district (that's what I call it lah - pandai2 bagi nama). Alah, area across jalan besar from Giant tu. Anyway, everytime pi .. sure angkat kambing, ayam goreng, ayam pedas and may be just for the heck of it, daging. Memang superb! Conversation usually turns to politics and business.

There's another location nearby, which kambing is reputedly better than this, but Doc said the rice at Diana is better. Once in a while, as usual you get beggars and some sellers selling things that needs persuasion before they can be bought. Sidetrack: Most people would try their best to avoid these people, but Abang Rip, my biras - will call these people and ask them, "Eh, adik jual apa tu?". Contrast betul lah manusia nih.

Sometimes you get one guy berboleng with only shirts on, fingernails with dirt from god knows where, body & face bercalit2 like he's just completed an engine overhaul. Not to mention the hair .. macam tak mandi seminggu. Sometimes we give him cigarettes or ask him whether he wants to eat. Usually he's content with the cigarette. But Doc Fitter warned, its not unusual for Special Branch officers to be incognito like this and loiter around to listen to what people are talking about at public places.

I guess so, coz I have one ex-Special Branch officer friend whom I know spent 2 months in Arqam, spotting the Taliban beard, turban, green jubah .. the works.
So, the next time you see somebody whose screw is a bit loose, don't be stingy. If you continually give, you will continually have.

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Liga Super Perdana Malaysia

Can't bring myself not to post this. Kelakow ..

Selepas kita menyaksikan aksi pemain Eropah dari kelab Chelsea mengalahkan
pasukan Malaysia 2-0 di Stadium Shah Alam minggu lepas, Malaysia sekali
lagi bakal menyaksikan aksi sebuah kelab bolasepak ternama dari Tanah
Malaya 1969, BN Athletic dalam siri jelajahnya ke Permatang Pauh
pertengahan Ogos ini sebagai persediaan sebelum musim baru Liga Perdana
Pakatan Rakyat bermula 16 September depan. BN Athletic bakal melayan tuan
rumah, Anwar FC di Permatang Pauh pertengahan bulan ini

Pasukan ini bakal dibarisi pemain-pemain bertenaga hasil gabungan dari
pemain berpengalaman dan baru. Menurut pengurusnya, Sir Abdullah Badawi
pasukan beliau akan menggunakan formasi yang pelik dan tidak penah
digunakan oleh mana-mana kelab di dunia ini. Beliau mempertaruhkan formasi
0-6-4 ketika menentang Anwar FC nanti iaitu tidak menggunakan pertahanan.
Berikut adalah line-up kesebelasan utama BN Athletic :-

Goalkeeper - Ahmad Shabery Cheek. Menjaga benteng pertahanan terakhir pasukan
sama ada membenarkan stesen TV menyiarkan keputusan perlawanan atau tidak
jika pasukannya tewas di tangan Anwar FC atau menyembunyikan keputusan
tersebut. Mampu menangkis rembatan pasukan lawan kerana beliau selalu
meludah lebihan air liurnya untuk disapukan ke kedua-dua glove tangannya
supaya bola melekat.

Right Midfielder – Syed Hamid Albar
. Kemahiran menanduk bola adalah senjata
utamanya kerana kilauan pada kepalanya mampu membuatkan pemain lawan silau.
Ini membuatkan pihak lawan keliru dan sering tertukar menendang kepala
beliau atau bola.

Left Midfielder – Musa Hassan
. Selalu menyimpan senjata mainan seperti
pistol, water canon, belantan dalam poket seluarnya ketika berada di padang
permainan walaupun telah dimarahi penonton sebelum ini. Jerseynya ditempah
khas dengan membuat poket ditepi semata-mata mahu menyimpan gari untuk
digunakan ketika bermain.

Central Midfielder – Abdul Gani Patail
. Pemain ini terkenal kerana sering
mempertikaikan keputusan pengadil. Sering mengeluarkan hujah-hujah ketika
berbalah dengan pengadil. Pernah mengumpul koleksi kad merah dan tiket
kapal terbang MAS ketika beliau sering berulang-alik ke Terengganu
menyelesaikan kes lempar batu dari penonton.

Central Midfielder – Pirdaus Ismail
. Memiliki tendangan kaki yang padu dan
kuat dan sering dibandingkan dengan pemain Eropah lain seperti Francesco
Totti. Mampu menendang selaju 124.2 m/s ke gawang lawan. Apabila ditanya
rahsia memiliki tendangan kuat itu, beliau memberitahu wartawan beliau
berlatih menendang tong sampah ketika pilihan raya.

Defensive Midfielder – Najib Razak ( C4 )
Ketua pasukan yang digeruni pihak
lawan kerana sering mengugut pemain lawan dengan ancaman bom dan bunga api.
Latihan ala ketenteraan beliau banyak membantu mempertingkatkan skill
mengelecek bola. Diarahkan pengurus pasukan supaya menjaga pergerakan
kapten Anwar FC nanti.

Attacking Midfielder – Abdul Rashid Abd Rahman.
Pelik tapi benar. Beliau
merupakan pemain BN Athletic utama tetapi dalam masa yang sama dilantik
menjadi pengadil prlawanan. Banyak mempengaruhi kemenangan BN Athletic
musim lepas sehingga turun divisyen dan kerap membatalkan gol yang
dijaringkan pihak lawan kerana penjaga golnya tidak bersedia.

Centre Forward – Noh Omar.
Pemain yang berani tapi takut. Macam mana tu?
Beliau memiliki mulut yang lantang bercakap di sidang media sahaja. Tapi
apabila beraksi di padang, BN Athletic seolah-olah bermain 10 orang.
Kelibatnya jarang kelihatan di padang. Pernah melabelkan kapten Anwar FC
bukan anak jantan disebabkan bermain di Stadium Permatang Pauh bukan di
Stadium Tertutup Tanjung Karang.

Centre Forward – Shahrir Samad
. Bakal turun sebagai penggempur utama kerana
kelebihan memiliki simpanan minyak yang lebih. BN Athletic betul-betul
memerlukan pemain sepertinya kerana pandai mencurahkan lebihan minyak
subsidi rakyat di tengah-tengah padang permainan dengan tujuan supaya
pemain pihak lawan licin dan terjatuh. Rambut putih ala-ala Beckham beliau
banyak membantu menaikkan populariti beliau musim ini.

Striker – Ezam Md. Noor
. Perpindahan penyerang prolifik ini dari kelab
lamanya Anwar FC banyak menimbulkan tanda tanya berikutan perjanjian harga
perpindahan yang dirahsiakan. Bagaimanapun penyerang ini yang mampu
menyumbat gol dari sudut sukar mempunyai kelebihan mengawal bola di dalam
kotak-kotak penalti. Berapa banyak kotak daaaa…

Striker – Saiful Bukhari (
Terbaru). Penyerang muda ini sekarang menjadi
rebutan kelab-kelab ternama eropah berikutan penyebaran gambarnya dengan
ejen-ejen kuasa besar bolasepak eropah. Bakal menggempur pertahanan Anwar
FC nanti dengan trademark tendangan menggunakan punggungnya yang dipanggil 'reverse ass kick'.

Saturday, 2 August 2008


Its Malaysia Week 2008 in London, this year at Potters Field Park (which nobody knows where!). Actually its right next to City Hall or on the other side, the Tower Bridge (yg org selalu mistaken as London Bridge). Well, should've advertised these 2 main landmarks .. sambil2 pergi Tower Bridge, boleh makan satay ye dak?

Anyway, bergenu Batik stalls & a few crafts stalls. Food stalls - Malay House, Bonda Cafe, Holiday Villa, Sate House & Awana. All selling crap masak-pukal food at profiteering price, instead of "promotion" (for Malaysia) price.

Jei, anak Mak Cik Melah i.e. Ann's cousin is around too, manning (OK sounds sexist, change to womanning) the No 5 stall i.e. Yayasan Budi Penyayang a.k.a. Batik Sri Hendon. Hmm .. alaa yang Nori punya tuu. I suppose a lot of people breeze through but don't buy anything (okay, a batik tie may be). Also I receive a suggestion that may be we could arrange with a bank to enable credit card users to pay. Well, a nyonya kebaya easily cost £50 - £80, and not everybody walks with that kind of money okay.

And, coming to the title of this entry .. I had the opportunity to tuang kerja after lunch (due to invitation) to go to Odeon Covent Garden to watch the film "Sepi". Oooh! Vanida Imran was gorgeous!! Maya Karin was there too. So were Apek & Riezman. Sungguh teruja tengok V!! Pas tu sign autograph untuk gua dengan penuh syahdu plak tu.

OK, forget V, she's married .. alaaahai. The film is about 2 lonesome guys, Adam (Afdlin Shauki) Sufi (Tony Eusoff) & a playwright writer, newcomer Baizura Kahar as Imaan. Director is Kabir Bhatia. Tak kuasa nak recap, so you can read about it here.

I find it brilliant, as good as a classy Korean movie, worthy to be shown overseas. Cinematography great, class acting (with some can improve some more lah kan), story line - how the 3 characters cross each others' lives & the twist at the end, class. So overall, I like lah.

Tapi .. still can't get V out of my mind. Arggghhh!!